Humberto Brito

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Unpublished. Not knowing it at first I set out to look for a place for an airport. Patriots and pundits live for debates about airports in the serious channels. I was searching for one for myself. My goal in life was to go gentle into exile. I’ve learned something else, however, in the process of walking and looking across the land in search of actual places that look like places where you would find an airport, which I have always been inexplicably drawn to. That, bereft of colonies to gut, my foolish country keeps on colonizing itself, disfiguring itself. “Yet, we must develop, etc.” We do. It is a ‘fact’. It’s just that there are no flight connections to the kind of place we can no longer become. You can’t fly a plane from blindness to recognizing our mistakes. Walking may help.

Unpublished. A sunny, decadent fishing town with a struggling industrial belt and a headstrong superiority complex against the capital, beneath which lies a sense of moral victory, that is, of its being a failure, but a beautiful failure. A port for the pigheaded and the weak-willed and the false hearted. The writer returns home as photographer.

Along the E.N. 10, I revisit the landscape of a divorce.

Lebop Books
Hard cover
ISBN 978 989 96128 15  
26x32 cm
104 pp.    

On writing and sunlight. An essay on Gustave Flaubert’s La légende de saint Julien l’Hospitalier, accompanied by Pedro Tamen’s translation of the conte, and selected letters.  

Relógio d’Água
Soft cover
Text in Portuguese
EAN 9789897833779
15,3x23,3 cm
176 pp.

Ten years of research on Fernando Pessoa, stripped down.

Relógio d’Água
Soft cover
Text in Portuguese
ISBN 978 989 783 126 3  
15,3x23,3 cm
128 pp.  

With Djaimilia Pereira de Almeida. A writer, a photographer and a dog around the house, surviving covid lockdown, not knowing the future.

Soft cover
Texts in Portuguese
ISBN 978-989-9004740  
13x20 cm
184 pp.


My first attempt at pointing to an analogy between the deterioration of the public space and self-becoming. When you come to notice it, cities and persons go awry as if by invisible hand. While trying to find myself in the non-self, this is what I found: the anonimity of the damage, everywhere, in everyone, in my own life.

Soft cover
Text in portuguese  
ISBN 978-989-209959
21 x 26,5cm
64 pp.